IGG 3.3 is a highly interactive geometry modeler and grid generator systems tuned to the generation of complex 2-D/3-D geometries as well as surfaces and volume grids for the solution of flow problems. Most generations constitute the most consuming and costly part of the numerical simulation process. IGG 3.3 provides original tools to create structured multiblock 2-D/3-D meshes as well as 2-D unstructured grids based on triangles. IGG 3.3 is a stand alone software based on the most advanced software tools and standards, such as object-oriented languages and PHIGS, integrated with X-Windows.
Prerequisite Hardware: 32MB main memory, 24 bit planes +Z buffer.
Marc Tombroff
Product & Sales Engineer
Numeca International
R. de la Concorde 22
1050 Brussels,
32-2-629-2880 (fax)